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Quality Care for People with Disabilities


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 1 in 4 adults in the US has some form of disability that greatly impacts their daily lives. It is known that as people grow older, disability becomes more common especially for senior adults, and may require elderly care in Florissant, Missouri.

Depending on the severity of their disability, seniors and people with disability may need to avail of home care services in Missouri. According to the CDC, there are six types of disabilities and these are:

  • Mobility seriously affects one’s ability to move around, walk, or climb stairs
  • Cognition affects memory and other cognitive functions like concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
  • Hearing due to hearing loss which causes serious difficulty hearing
  • Vision which affects their ability to see clearly
  • Independent living or the difficulty to run errands or go to scheduled appointments on their own
  • Self-care or the difficulty in completing activities of daily living such as bathing, grooming, toileting, dressing, etc.

Due to these difficulties that they face because of their conditions, they may need a caregiver or a nurse in St. Louis County to help them with their daily activities, walking, light housekeeping, and running errands.

People with disabilities will truly benefit from caregivers and nurses so they may receive better care with consumer-directed services. If you’re looking for a trusted home care provider, just call Quality Assurance Services and we’d be happy to assist you with what you need.

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caregiver and group of seniors

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It is our mission to address, educate, coordinate, and provide care, aid and relief to the elderly and disabled all under one umbrella. [ About Us ]