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Making the Bathroom a Safer Place for the Elderly


For the sake of your loved one’s well-being, either you consider hiring a personal care attendant in senior living or aging in place home modifications that focus on preventing accidents. Every room in your loved one’s house needs this, but the bathroom is critical because it accounts for nearly a third of all home accidents.

So our staff providing elderly care in Florissant, Missouri explains these simple home modifications in the bathroom that increase your loved one’s safety:

  • Ensure balance in the shower
    Grab bars are a popular fall prevention tool. They do so by supporting balance and movement control. Before you go out and buy grab bars, remember that you should always work with a clinical expert and handyman when putting them in your home.
  • Enhance toilet mobility
    If your loved one has trouble getting on or off the toilet, a toilet seat riser may help. Raising the toilet seat height improves mobility and reduces the chance of falling.
  • Eliminate tripping hazards
    In removing bathroom tripping risks, one piece of advice is to install a graded door saddle. Graded door saddles address uneven floor transitions between different flooring surfaces within the home.

As a committed quality provider of excellent home care services in Missouri, Quality Assurance Services is entitled to ensure your loved one’s health and safety.

Our consumer-directed services provide support to countless patients who need help to function in their daily lives while living independently.

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