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Category Archives: Home Care Services


Is Recovery at Home Ideal?

Many individuals may experience illnesses and other conditions that can hinder them from meeting their needs independently. In these situations, they often receive care and assistance from care providers such as our Quality Assurance Homecare. Many o...

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How Our Home Care Services Help Seniors Age in Place

While it may be hard to accept, most of us will require care and assistance when we reach our senior years. Most seniors are used to handling everything themselves, dividing their duties with other people in the household, or relying on others for mi...

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Quality Home Care Services for Seniors with Disability

For an elderly person living with a disability, it can be difficult to manage household chores and day-to-day activities without some form of help from qualified care providers. This help may come from a family member or us here at Quality Assurance ...

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caregiver and group of seniors

Our Mission Statement

It is our mission to address, educate, coordinate, and provide care, aid and relief to the elderly and disabled all under one umbrella. [ About Us ]